I’m preparing for some pro-life presentations I’m making next week. A couple of problems. 1. I’m a little rusty since I’ve been distracted with homeschool mommying for the past several years and am, in fact, in the midst of doing that right now. 2. Five stinking presentations. AUGH!
Frantic-cramming links!
Cool map showing U.S. rivers based on water flow.
Satire: Keeping American politicians humble since 1776.
Who could have seen this coming: Hackers won’t work with U.S. government. (That’s a bigger deal than you’re thinking if you think it’s not a big deal.)
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I’m fairly distrustful of advocacy style documentaries. I want to see the hard data to back up their claims, and even then I’m going to assume you’re presentation is probably tilted. “6 famous documentaries that were shockingly full of crap.” (Cracked link, standard language and decency warnings apply.)
20 things 20-year-olds don’t get. Not just 20-year-olds, a lot of people don’t get this stuff. Good advice for everyone.
Sad and important article about the deaths of autistic children who wander.
Polio may be back? Great.
A “cure” for Down Syndrome? Interesting piece, especially the discussion about the possible downside. Still, it’s better than Joycelyn Elders suggested cure: abortion.
This is why I don’t run: bleeding pectorals.
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