Day two of our church’s first ever Vacation Bible School. The girls and I are volunteers, and the boys are participants. We’re working with the kindergarteners. The thing about the younger kids is they need a lot more help. And they want you to play the running games with them, preferably holding their hands. So I’m tired.
Four more days, I can do this links!
10 Ways to love an introverted mom. Amen.
The Wind in the Willows judges you.
Big doggies are big. And silly.
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Via my friend Erika, scientists use computer games to figure out the mysteries of the human body. Great, giving Skynet more information on how we work. This will end well.
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In addition to our own nation’s birthday, last week was Canada Day, previously known as Dominion Day. Their birthday was less exciting and more, well, Canadian, than ours. Rather than a rebellion and a defiant Declaration, Canada Day marks the day that the North America Act went into effect in 1867. And poof: Canada’s a country. In honor of their day, a very Canadian song. (Sorry I’m late, Canadians.)
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