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Terrible Tuesday: Wednesday edition

Yesterday, my heart was too full for the frivolity and fun of links.  My prayers are with the families of little Martin Richard, Krystal Campbell, and the other as yet unnamed victim Lu Lingzi, as well as all of the injured and their families. As awful as it is at a time like this, it’s important to remember that there are criminals who take advantage of times of disaster and tragedy.  Please exercise judgment when you donate to charities.  If it isn’t a charity with which you’re familiar, check out Charity Navigator or the Better Business Bureau. Exercise extreme caution if giving to an individual. In fact, unless you have personal knowledge of the situation, you’re better off giving to an established organization. (End Public Service Announcement.)

But even though it’s Wednesday, this is still a Terrible Tuesday post. Got it? Links!

Jenna Bush Hager had her baby on Saturday, behold the gender difference. Compare…

bush grandkid women
“Look at her! Isn’t she perfect? I think she has Henry’s nose. Let’s count her toes again.”

and contrast.

bush grandkid
Now Mila, this is golf. You’ll like it. Of course, you’ll play baseball, too. You’ll love baseball.


Notice the difference in the way they hold the baby?

This gives me hope for the justice system. “Judge holds himself in contempt for his phone ringing in court.” Rule of law means everybody has to follow the laws. Do you hear that government people?

The Willke’s have been tireless workers in the pro-life movement for decades and were in that first group of heroes that stood for life. I was sad to hear of  Barbara Willke’s passing Monday.

Entrance is free to National Parks April 22-26. There aren’t many National Parks in Texas, and none nearby. In fact, the whole middle of the country is mostly National Park free. But we do have state parks out the wazoo.

This is a great article about the people who watch marathons. Keep focusing on the light.

I’m geeking out. Are you geeking out? Also, Sherlock looks like a pretty good bad guy.

Speaking of geekery, have you heard about Bitcoin? Have you, like me, said, “Wha?” Here’s a little video tutorial. It’s … interesting. Reminds me of something out of a Cory Doctorow book.

I was looking for a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon on taxes, when I came across the Calvin and Hobbes search page.  One of the best uses of internet ever.
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The Lyrid meteor shower began last night and will be visible through the , peaking in the predawn hours of April 22. I’m thinking of gathering up the monkeys for an early morning drive to the boonies so we can get a glimpse. EarthSky gives you get a heads up on what’s happening in the sky that night, so you don’t do like I usually do: “Oh! That awesome astronomical thing was last week? And it won’t happen for another 3 years? Well, dang.”

Speaking of astronomy, Stellarium for Android is half price at the Google Play store until April 19th! It’s always free for computers and iThings.

Dove wants to make you cry. Watch it anyway. But just to prove I haven’t gone totally soft, Ann Althouse has an interesting critique.

From Cracked: The 5 Creepiest Ways Major Companies Are Watching You. It’s good to know that Mac users will overpay for everything, not just tech. And yeah, that’s Cracked, so fair warning on bad language and coarse humor.

How not to be late. You know who you are.

This is just messed up. Why can’t we have rational laws? What kind of fool prosecutor pushes this case to begin with? Ugh.

Autumn colour in the Tweed Valley

Is the End in Sight for America’s Biofuel Boondoggle? I sure hope so! I loathe farm subsidies with a passion surpassed only by my loathing of Congresses messing markets it neither can nor apparently wants to understand. Just stop. (Also, we can blame Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture for our current corn saturated diet. Ergo, we can also blame Nixon because the buck stopped with him and all that. Now you have another reason to be shakey fist at Nixon.)

How to make a homemade squishable icepack with rubbing alcohol and water.

A basic tutorial on a Charlotte Mason education. The Kindle version of the volume she speaks of is only $0.99. Although you can get it elsewhere for free.

Save this somewhere to pull out whenever you’re having a bad day. No matter what the circumstances, you’re almost certain to smile. Unless you have no soul, then all bets are off.


This week’s Kid Snippet. Yep, that’s a big sister.


UPDATED to include Lu Lingzi, the third victim of the Boston bombing.

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