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Terrible Tuesday: wee sma edition

Third night in a row I’m up at three in the morning. It all begins with Jack the Brat (official new nickname) deciding he needs to go out. But then my mind says, “You’re up! Think about stuff. And more stuff! Ooh, have you considered this?” Stupid mind. Anyway, might as well get something useful out of it.

Like a blog post. LINKS!

Spaced-Out Challenge: Finding Uranus.  Giggle.

Ooh, shiny! A free template for homeschool grade book and record keeping. Seriously, homeschooling a high schooler requires so much more paperwork. Ugh.

We ought to do better by our four-legged vets. And the fact that a bill has languished in Congress for years is just ridiculous. This seems like a no-brainer.

You know the conventional wisdom that creepy crawlies are creepy crawlier in rural areas? Urban areas may be contributing to super-sized, more fertile spiders. *shudder*

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I told MTG that I think we’ll be okay as soon as we get all our homeschool plates spinning. But frankly, I’m not sure we’re going to make next year’s list of America’s Top Homeschools. Sigh.

9 things every parent with an anxious child should try.

I think my mom may have perfected this move. Do not sass talk your mother.

Speaking of smart parents, this guy cracks me up. I look forward to more of his instructional videos. Perhaps he can demonstrate how to bridge the 5″ gulf between the laundry hamper and the floor beside the laundry hamper.


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