
The founding of two great empires


Today marks the date tradition says Rome was founded. (auto-play video)

More importantly, on April 21, 1836, the Texans defeated that scurvy dog Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto.

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At about 3:30 p.m. all hell broke loose. Two small cannon suddenly began to rain broken horseshoes, chopped-up chain, nails, bolts, and broken glass among the Mexican lines, and the dozing camp was abruptly filled with buckskin-clad Texicans swinging long knives and clubbed rifles and screaming “Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!” Colonel Delgado recorded in his memoirs that he saw Santa Anna immediately after the attack began. The president of Mexico ran out of his silk tent clad only in a linen shirt and silk drawers, saw the oncoming Texicans, and began to wring his hands and dance around como un loco (like a nut.) Without issuing a single order, he seized a horse the army had captured a few days before, leaped into the saddle, and rode away at a mad gallop.

The Battle of San Jacinto, today considered the sixteenth decisive battle in world history, ended in eighteen minutes. As a result of it and its aftermath, Mexico lost not merely Texas, but New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, & Utah, and parts of Oklahoma, Wyoming, Colorado, and Kansas–something in excess of a million square miles of territory. The political face of North America was utterly changed, and with it, the history of the world. The Napoleon of the West, and with him his dream of a Caribbean Empire, was finished.”

This particular passage is from a chapter on the Legend of the Yellow Rose, Emily Morgan. It’s a very interesting story, however, this is a family blog. You’ll have to get the book if you want to know more about that Texas heroine. Anyway, that’s pretty good for an 18-minute battle.  I think it beats a couple of kids being brought up by wolves.


2 responses to “The founding of two great empires”

  1. Wayne Cockfield Avatar
    Wayne Cockfield

    I ordered the book from Amazon to my Kindle. Thanks for listing the name.

    1. April Avatar

      I realize I never replied to this! Have you had a chance to read it yet? What did you thing?

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