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The great blog experiment, one month later

At the beginning of the month I challenged myself to blog every day. The basic premise is momentum. It’s easier to keep doing something if you’ve been doing something, or as Jerry Seinfeld said, “Don’t break the chain.” Put another way, it’s easier to do something when it’s habit. The only way to form a habit is to do thing that you want to make a habit. There aren’t really any short cuts. Dangit.

So I’ve blogged everyday for 31 days. (I’m imagining your wild applause here. Thank you! You’re so kind.) But now what? Where do I go from here? I’m trying to get better at this whole blogging thing, and I’m trying to find a voice that’s both distinctly mine and worth reading. Blogging every day is just the first step, now I need to start critiquing what I blog and refining my writing.

I don’t want to be the type of blogger who has a theme for everyday of the week, but it is helpful to have some structure. My Terrible Tuesday posts are a great way to share links and easy blogging on really busy days.  I think I’m going to start blogging about fine arts on Fridays, in part to help me incorporate that aspect of our education into our schedule since our fine arts co-op went kaput. That being said, I don’t want my blog to be a digital version of days of the week underpants.

However, the question remains: once I’ve developed a habit, what’s the next goal? If my goal is merely to post everyday, then blogging becomes something of a Sisyphean task.

Sisyphus also wears days of the weeks underpants, an added twist to his punishment to mark the relentless cycle. He’d shake his fist at the gods if he had a free hand.

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My tentative plan going forward:

  1. Continue to blog every day.
  2. Take a look at my blog stats to see what’s popular and what’s not.
  3. Ask for outside critique and suggestions. (If you want to volunteer, shoot me an email.)

So that’s a start.  What do you think of the plan? What steps do you take to improve yourself? How do you set your goals? Do you have Days of the Week underpants? Strike that last question, I don’t really want to know.

One response to “The great blog experiment, one month later”

  1. […] P.S. 160 days. Chain unbroken. […]

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