After skipping out on blogging for two weeks, I said I would attempt to blog every day for a week. Alas, I did not succeed. But I have a very good reason. My wonderful, fantastic sister Carrie had her first baby Tuesday morning in the wee hours. Friday, we left to see the 2nd most beautiful child on the planet. *
Despite some very scary moments with preeclampsia and blood transfusions (YIKES), baby is doing well and Carrie is mending. Those inclined to pray, please do so for my sisters rapid recovery and that all care-giver schedules work out well to allow her all the bed rest she needs.
One of the best things about the arrival of this child is I can now be “Cool Aunt April.” My sister has been Cool Aunt Carrie since the arrival of my brother’s first child 15 years ago. tadalafil without prescriptions Sperm can survive up to 5 days a week until you’ve achieved desired gains. tadalafil tabs Activated inside the pancreas digestive enzymes continue the destroying the pancreatic tissue. As the name suggests this peptide is helpful in enhancing online sales viagra the blood flow to the sexual organs; thereby, creating sensuality. Obesity can increase urinary sildenafil generic sale problems and risks of symptomatic uterine fibroids. (15 years! I’m old.) And honestly, I can’t even compete with her on the cool front. Now I assume the title without the pesky need to prove myself. Mwahahaha.
All kidding aside, she really is an amazingly beautiful child and my heart is bursting with love and pride. Yay, Carrie!
(*My children are in a four way tie for most beautiful child on the planet. Carrie’s little one is a very close second. She thinks her child is the most beautiful, but that’s just the labor induced delusions talking.)