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We have approximately 10 billion Bibles in this house. Okay, that’s a slight exaggeration. But we have well over a dozen copies of various versions in addition to e-books on phones and Kindles. We also have half a dozen different story Bibles and Bible dictionaries, concordances, and commentaries. We are wealthy with the Word of God.

Which makes this video of Chinese Christians receiving a box of Bibles all the more powerful and convicting.

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I pray that I might treasure the Bible as these believers obviously do.

Christianity Today has an interesting exchange about smuggling Bibles into China.

One response to “Treasure”

  1. Mary Holley Avatar
    Mary Holley

    God’s word is so precious to His children. I pray that everyone everywhere would have the gift of owning their own bible. I have felt guilty before for having so many copies of the bible, until I realized the reason I do is that it is what is precious to me and what I invest in.

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