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Veterans Day

We set aside these days like Veterans Day and Memorial Day to express our gratitude to the men and women who sacrificed so much to keep us secure.  But one day of thanks isn’t really enough, is it?

I’d like to highlight a few veterans and tributes, realizing they represent only a small portion of those who have served and continue to give to their fellow countrymen and the world.

The last toast of the Doolittle Raiders was held this weekend. Only 3 members were at this toast, the fourth surviving member was unable to travel due to his health. The story of these men is amazing, and we owe them a great deal.

The Korean War is often overlooked, but the men who fought there faced almost unbelievable hardship and faced it with matching courage and resolve.  (The documentary(af) used to be streaming on Netflix but isn’t any longer. It’s worth watching if you can. Powerful, painful, but important to know and remember their sacrifice.)

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Mike Rowe celebrated the Marine Corps Birthday with Marines in San Francisco and wrote a moving tribute.

Veterans not only have given a great deal, they continue to serve. A group from Team Rubicon is heading to the Philippines to help the people suffering from the worst cyclone in recorded history.

Thank some veterans, ask their names and their stories. There is so much valor and love represented by their service, and though it isn’t nearly sufficient, thank you.

One response to “Veterans Day”

  1. Mary Holley Avatar
    Mary Holley

    Very good.

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