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We know what we knew

So The Bulldozer’s evaluation is over. He definitely has speech delays and processing issues. Basically, they confirmed what we suspected: there is something wrong. What that something is, they don’t know. But we should put him in the full-time early education class anyway because it’s language based. And they have circle time and snack. Yay, snack!

Okay, I’m being a bit snarky. They do offer some speech and occupational therapy in class. The very nice ladies were trying very hard to sell me on their class to fix The Bulldozer’s problem. (”You have 4 kids! Sometimes someone other than mom needs to address the problem. Circle time!”) Because he has a problem, even if they don’t know exactly what it is. It’s the popular shot-gun approach to education: shoot as wide a burst as possible and something ought to hit.

Well, between my skepticism and MTG’s engineering-geared brain, we decided that’s not enough information to make a decision. Shouldn’t we know what the problem is before we attempt to fix it? So we’ll be taking him to an occupation therapist and a speech therapist for further evaluation and, oh, I don’t know, some sort of diagnosis. If the occupational therapist thinks this sort of class would be a benefit, we may go that route. But right now, we just don’t have enough information, snacks or no snacks.

Seriously, if you went to a doctor and said “I’m sick.” And he checked you out and said, “Yeah, you’re definitely sick with something, take these pills.” Wouldn’t you ask some more questions before swallowing the pills? Yeah, me too.

Our IEP is scheduled for early June. We hope to have an evaluation completed with the OT and preliminary plan before we go to the meeting. We are looking at doing speech through the school system. They were not thrilled when I suggested we might not accept all offered “help.” But if it’s a huge problem, we’ll just do speech therapy on our own, too. In fact, we may go ahead and start with speech outside the system while the girl’s schedule is mellow and summery (read: no math.)

So we know what we knew. It’s a start?

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3 responses to “We know what we knew”

  1. Renae Avatar

    You will make wise decisions as you are led of the Lord. May his grace cover you during this difficult time.

  2. Melissa Wiley Avatar
    Melissa Wiley

    Wow can I relate to this post. We had a similar decision to make 18 months ago. (And of course the decision is reevaluted frequently and can be changed if we wish.) Our now 4 1/2 yr old son is hard of hearing. He receives 2 30-min sessions of one-on-one speech therapy per week from the speech path. in our school district’s deaf/HOH program, as well as audiology services (hearing tests, ear molds) through the district.

    It was a tough decision. And yes, at the beginning, and for pretty much the first whole year, the school folks (that big ole IEP team) pressed me to enroll him in the full-time deaf/HOH preschool program. I chose not to, for a number of reasons. And a year and a half later, I’m no longer getting the hard sell from the district for this program. The speech path. can see that he is thriving and making progress with our current arrangement. But navigating the IEP process has been a rocky road, and I’ve had a lot to learn along the way.

    Best wishes to you as you seek answers regarding your son and grapple with the options!

  3. April Avatar

    Thanks, Melissa. I actually read carefully your posts about Wonder Boy’ IEP meetings. I’m thankful we do have the means of going “outside the system.” Already, he’s made great progress. But if he doesn’t and we need to change tacks, the “team” is only my husband and I. That’s worth the price of the co-pay right there.

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