Well, this is new

The Bulldozer has discovered the delights of disrobing. Mostly, it’s just the shirt. But the other night, he stripped bare, climbed into our bed, and then peed in it. Of course, he was on my side of the bed. We heard him run into our room, but when we peaked in, he was all covered up. So we didn’t notice the bare butt until he decided to come sit by me in all his glorious nudity. It was then I checked to see where exactly he ditched his pjs and found my gift. Fun, huh?

He doesn’t mind being redressed, but he sure does like the getting nekkid part. Boys.

2 responses to “Well, this is new”

  1. Carrie Avatar

    Well thats an improvement from his shy stage. Right? Maybe shy is better.
    Most things are better than pee in the bed.

  2. Dana Avatar

    ‘Tisn’t only boys. My 2yo girl has a fetish for streaking. You know when she is doing it because of that giggle.

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