I’m a planner, a plotter, a strategic general in the battle of life. I plan for all contingencies, I work out every possible variation. I constantly ask “What If,” and then prepare accordingly.
Also, I’m a world class worrier. I worry and fret about things that will happen, may happen and couldn’t possibly happen. I worry my plan and plan for my worries, combining my panache for strategies with my anxiety skills.
Sunday’s sermon was on Matthew 6:25-34. Worry is sin. In case you are in some kind levitra professional online of wellbeing issue, heftiness, medicinal response and different sorts of diseases. Drugs, for example, Kamagra, Aurogra and http://valsonindia.com/air-texturised-yarn-for-automotive-industry/ buy viagra have offered a huge way to deal with men, to defeat their erectile issues and appreciate a pleasurable lovemaking session. When a man suffers from diabetes, his damaged arteries cause issues to circulate the sildenafil tablet viagra blood in the genital regions. So, if wikipedia reference tadalafil online in uk you are going through impotence tend to go for ways to increase the penis size to treat this condition. Worry is unbelief. Worry is a prison. But because worry is a sin, not a personality trait, we have hope. Christ has come to set us free from sin.
Head knowledge and heart application are two entirely different things. For the record.
3 responses to “Worry and what if”
I’m catching up on your blog and boy am I alternatively laughing (your best S-I-L award) and getting to know ya better. I wouldn’t have pegged you a worrier–you must hide it well in your day-to-day life. I just asked Tom if he would have pegged you as a worrier–nope, he says. Love the reminder that worry is a sin not a personality trait; means there’s hope for me:-)
Worry masked as obsessive planning is still worry. Remind me to tell you of the great Christmas freak out of 2000. It was exciting.
Oh, and this is why you should blog, too. (In all your spare time.) It’s an interesting way to reveal yourself to friends, family and complete strangers!