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Was that an exciting Superbowl or what? Who knew Superbowl games could be exciting? Also, neener neener, cheaters! Go Giants! (Yes, I’m technically an adult. Technically.)

Also, Thursday, February 7 is Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday. We’re going to celebrate by going to a museum at a historic farmhouse in our town. I was going to make Vanity Cakes, but I’m a little put off by the 2 lbs. of lard. Yes, I could use shortening, but two pounds? Yikes. Here’s another recipe that looks interesting.

With advancement of technology, some advance technology is also used to treat levitra prescription online heavy menstrual bleeding. There are purchase viagra in australia penis sleeves and penis extensions which aim to increase vaginal stimulation. There are different forms of these abortion pamelaannschoolofdance.com cheap levitra pills which come in 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20 mg. But, in rare conditions, their cialis sildenafil pamelaannschoolofdance.com organ does not get erection quality needed for a satisfactory physical intimacy. We’re really ripping through the Little House books. We read By the Shores of Silver Lake in about four days.

To bed!

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