
Yeah, another one on the “stimulus”

Will Collier, subbing at Vodkapundit, reminds us that this isn’t the first time a new president has tried to pass an “Oh-God-we’re-all-going-to-die!” stimulus package right off the gates. And he didn’t. And we didn’t die. (If this thing passes, we’ll all be Vodkapundits. Or moonshine pundits.)

Did you know that the (actually, truly) bi-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that we’ll be out of a recession this year if we don’t pass the stimulus (page 4 under “Economic Outlook”, but that the “stimulus” will cause more damage down the road if passed? I don’t know how accurate their predictions tend to be, but it just goes to show that not everyone is on the same chicken little stage. Including a majority of the American people. (Ht: Gateway pundit)

The Coolest President ever says to criticism that this bill is one big spend-o-rama, “That’s the point. Seriously, that’s the point.”

Seriously, that’s the problem.

Anyone with even passing knowledge of government operations should be skeptical. It should fill every American (including government workers) with disbelief if not outright fear that our President thinks that the government spending will get us out of this recession. And not just government spending, but colossal spending. That’s-not-a-real-number spending. Or more famously, more than if we spent a million dollar a day every day since Jesus was born. (Gulp.)

How much money will it take to get the money into the economy? How much will be wasted as it’s shuffled through the bureaucracy, government employees filling out forms in triplicate, adhering to non-flexible regulations instead of common sense and efficiency? What happens when we create all those extra government jobs (from federal government down to small towns: the “stimulus” casts a wide net of largesse.) Yeah, more Americans employed by the government, and taxpayers will pay for their employment and their replacements employment, and so on and so forth til the crumbling of the Republic.

This bill represents a huge overreach of government and an enormous expansion of bureaucracy. Government jobs do not create wealth. Government policies do not make for efficient use of resources. Governments are necessary for some things, but not all things. The more government we have, the less freedom we have.

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(Notice the “we’s” there? Like “We the people” and “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Elected representatives do just that: represent us and we do have a say and the responsibility to try to do what’s right.)

What is right? Well, I don’t know. But let’s remember what we do know.

“Is is really true that political self-interest is really nobler somehow than economic self-interest?”

Answer: Charles Rangel, Bob Ney, Chris Dodd, Ted Stevens, Tom Daschle, Duke Cunningham, and Tim Geithner. To name a few of the more recent notables.

Call your Senators. We’re still “We the people” and not “we the vassals.”

3 responses to “Yeah, another one on the “stimulus””

  1. April Avatar

    Um, I had to edit this gentleman’s comment, because DUDE my MOM reads my blog. Goodness, sir. Really. So using the Random Word Generator, I bring you the comment from Jolly Roger without profanity. (Missed on the first time, must have been distracted by the sheer force of his . . . logic.)



    Spending culture

    The continuing game theory culture of prediction, of desire, will and wants are still basicdiculous. The common individual can live roughly a 30,000%* percent more sustainable lifestyle if he didn’t drink so much sugar coated French and instead got his food from the ground rather than the mish-mash-mush machine.

    Fix stuff, open it up and poke, get a screwdriver and some chuddy and really fix that adjustment. Buying summat because it’s the slightly better one that you’ve already got, with a new light on it, n one of the buttons is over there is so earnest in conformity. But that wouldn’t keep the cogs of industry going, noo that wouldn’t make economies grow and grow exponentially till they need to invent consumers and economies and solar systems to keep its expanding waistline from an earth saturating numerical shower. You ever been impaled by a two?

    * figure based on data published somewhere by someone about something

    …more at lifestyleguides.blogspot.com

  2. Dana Avatar

    I think the real difference is that when the government stays out of it, we spend our money on things we need, think we need and just plain want. And how bad can this “Americans are saving more than they have in however long it is they have been on this spending spree” really be? Especially when we are in this credit crisis thing? Gives the banks more to lend, right?

    I forgot what my point was. I can’t think about this whole mess too much. They’re all nutty.

  3. April Avatar

    I think the financial aspect (which I think is going to be horrifically painful) is the lesser of the evils. I think the policy aspects, the power grabs, the rollback of welfare to work, the central control/rationing of healthcare are going to be the bigger issues.

    Even if they cut a bunch of the spending before it is doled out 5 or 10 years from now, the policies are still on the books. Ugh. It makes me want to knock heads together a la The Three Stooges. Which is about right,

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